Dual Credit Program

Dual Credit Guidebook & Course Listings

Sturgeon Public Schools students can earn high school credits and post-secondary education credits while attending high school!

We are excited to partner with Olds College, Lakeland College, the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), Northern Lake College, and Norquest College. We are offering Dual Credit courses where students can take part in live online instruction and/or self-paced learning with college instructors. 

Taking a post-secondary course in high school gives students many advantages going forward in their educational journey. It gives students the confidence and motivation to transition from high school to post-secondary education. Dual Credit instruction gives students opportunities to try potential post-secondary programs with little or no risk in the familiarity of their own high school. This helps in career development and life-long learning. 

For more information, please visit our Off Campus Education and Work Experience website